Dean’s Words

Companions! Don’t waste your time that messengers of death are in the ambush. Don’t use your knowledge for show. Don’t waste your energy so you will be porter of energy. If you want to be a good man don’t be nobody, don’t say anything just do without show and pretense. Know that those who speak very fine and sweet with you don’t have secret of your motions and thought. And they want to pull down you for domination on you. Companions and Sympathetic! Don’t use unwise newcomers and don’t open your secrets of thought. Don’t spend your time with ignorant and unwise people. Don’t give you’re sword to ignorant people that first goal of sword is yourselves. Kang fu is the world of thought. A world that if we open it reach to a unlimited sea. Don’t wish to be someone else but try to be a best one. The only meaning of life is something that men give life by efflorescence of hidden forces in its inner.